Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 1 - He's in...

After a pretty restless night (Nate was up for 1 1/2 hours, pleading his case to drink milk, and not the clear fluids he was allowed) we got up at 5 and got ourselves ready. We did Nate's final soap wash down and walked over to the hospital before 6am. Everything was right on time (big answer to prayer) and Nate was happy and talkative down in the clinic. The sedative was bad tasting and ticked him off, as did the numbing cream on his hands. Soon, it kicked in as as they wheeled us up to the 3 rd floor, he seemed more relaxed as he played his ipad.

I took him into the OR right after 7am, and stayed with him while they determined whether to do an IV start or to start with gas. They decided on the gas, and while we talked and played ipad he drifted to sleep, but not before his big brown eyes locked onto mine.

Now we sit and wait! Just got hooked up on the hospital's wifi so we can update as we go now.

Our child life specialist really urged us to take lots of pictures, not only for Nate, but so Brady can have a bit more understanding of everything Nate is going through, and will explain why he may act a bit different when we get home, or be more grumpy and tired. So here are some up to this point.

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