Wednesday, December 1, 2010

10 Years

Friday, December 1, 2000.

It was a cold day, much like today, but the trees were a thing of beauty, hoar frost covering every branch. After a fun day of photos at various locations, (the outdoor shots being my favorite!) we headed to the Chapel at the Winkler Bible Camp. Later that evening, as guests started to arrive, they walked down a snowpacked sidewalk, lined with twinkling Christmas lights. As they approached the entrance, carollers - dressed in long coats and muffs, and the men wearing top hats - lined both sides of the walkway, and filled the air with the beautiful sounds of Christmas Carols in four part harmony.

Our guests were seated around tables in the cozy cedar chapel. We all enjoyed a time of worship and singing, words from our pastor, our vows were spoken... the beginning of our life together. Then the party started!

10 years later....two beautiful little boys, family and friends who love and support us, a marriage that gets stronger through every adventure and our God who has blessed us and carried us through each and every day.


Eva said...

Lovely pictures. May God bless you with another 10 wonderful years!

Melanie said...

Happy anniversary, Carole! I hope you have time to celebrate.

Brenna said...

Congratulations on the first 10 years!! Wishing you many, many more with your honey. :)

Heather said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Don & Carole!
You guys haven't aged one bit since your wedding day - what's your secret??
Wish you much happiness in the coming year!
Bonnie K.

Verna said...

Wow, it feels like I was there! Congratulations, praying that the Lord will bless you with many more years!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Carole and Don! 10 years! How I remember that day and how special it was. Blessings to the both of you!