Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Our 'Future Sports Star'
1 day old

Our little Nate is turning ONE this week!

What a year our little guy has had.  I've been getting all nostalgic and looking back over the past year's photos of him.  It's really quite hard to put into words what this last year has meant for us.  We've been so blessed with Nate - and he's been such a joy to love and care for.  Truly!  I know it's easy to think of all the more difficult times, or even just the typical sleep deprivation that comes with a baby (and in our case, has lasted the whole year!!)  But honestly, Nate's first year of life has been blessed.  Every single one of us is on a journey.  And every journey is going to have mountains and valleys.  It's just a matter of when.  And Who is going to carry you through.

Thankfully we have been surrounded by family and friends who love us and care for us in countless ways.  And we have a God who cares and hears our prayers, and a Holy Spirit who intercedes for us when we don't have the words.

We found out about Nate's heart condition at about 6 weeks old.  The diagnosis was missed during both ultrasounds I had, so thankfully everything went routinely at his birth, and he was born a completely healthy boy.  Looking back at pictures from his first 6 weeks of life is pretty surreal.  I see us as a family so oblivious to what was happening in Nate's little body.  Before words like heart failure, valve regurgitation, captopril, septal defects and heart block became everyday words in our vocabulary.

The diagnosis came at a God appointed time.  My entire family was home.  Kerry and Kathy and their family had come to MB for a holiday and we were all getting ready for a Schmidt family weekend away.  During this time I needed to be around them, and it still touches me to this day, how they cared for us and prayed over Nate for healing.

Here's the verse my sister Bonnie gave me.  I've claimed it.  It's on my fridge as an ongoing reminder.

May the GOD OF HOPE fill you with
all JOY and PEACE as you
TRUST in Him, so that you may
OVERFLOW with HOPE by the
POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT.  Romans 15:13

Friday, April 24, 2009


Some days, you just need a good laugh.  A 'departure' if you will, from the stress or burdens of everyday.  When I read this, I got a good chuckle, so I'm passing it on to you.  (I am SO not a forward-er, so this is a bit out of character for me, but if it brightens your day, I'll say it's worth it!)


 If you are traveling soon, consider Manno ir, da no-frills airline.  You're all in da same boat on Manno Air, vhere flying is an oplifting experience.  Der is no First Class on any Manno Air flight. Meals are potlock. Rows 1-6,  bring rolls, 7-15 bring a salad, 16-21 a main dish, and 22-30 a dessert.  Basses and tanors please sit in da rear of da aircraft. Everyone is  responsible for his or her own baggage. All fares are by freevill offering  and da plane vill not land until da budget is met. Pay attantion to your  flaight attandant, who vill acqvuaint you vith da safety system aboard dis Manno Air 599.
 Okay den, listen op: I'm only gonna say dis vonce. In da evant of a sodden  loss of cabin prassure, I am frankly going to be real surprised and so vill  Captain Schmat because ve fly right around 2000 feet, so loss of cabin prassure vould probably indicate da Second Coming or something  of dat nature, and I vouldn't bother with dose little masks on da robber  tubes. You're gonna have bigger tings to worry abaut den dat. Joss stuff  dose back op in der little holes. Probably da masks fell out because of  turbulance vhich, to be honest vith ya, ve're going to have quite a bit of  at 2000 feet...sort of like driving across a plowed field, but after a vhile ya gat used to it.
 In da event of a vater landing, I'd say forgat it. Start saying da Lord's Prayer and yust vench dat you gat to da part about forgive us our sins as ve forgive dose who sin aganst us, vhich some people say "trespas against us," vhich isn't right, but vat can ya do?
 Da use of cell phones on da plane is aver forbidden, not because dey may interfere vith the plane's navigational system, vhich is seat of da pants all da vay... no, it's because cell phones are a pain in the morsh and if  God mant you to use a cell phone, He vould have put your mouth on da side of  your had. Ve're going to start launch right about dinner taime and it's boffet style vith the coffee pot op front. Den ve have da hymn sing... hymnals in da seat  pocket in front of you. Don't take yours vith you vhen ya go or I am going  to be real opsat and I am not kidding abaut dat.
 Right now I'll say Grace..."Come Lord Jesus be our gast and let dese gifts  to us be blast. Father, Son and Holy Ghost, may ve land in Toronto or  pretty close. Aman".

Friday, April 17, 2009


1. I have a dinosaur egg hatching on my kitchen counter.

2. Two days ago, Brady took my iPod downstairs to play on.  He can't remember where he left it.  We can't find it anywhere.

3. I cranked out some serious harmony to 'Blaze of Glory' while driving (alone) in the jeep today.  Don was the last person to drive and had the Bon Jovi CD playing.

4. I was halfway through replacing an outside door knob/lock set today when I realized I bought the wrong size.  I also bought the wrong type of light bulbs during that same shopping trip.

5. It's time for a pedicure.

6. I am extremely disappointed in my lack of effort to get out running.

7. I live in the best neighborhood in Winkler, with the best neighbors!

8. The Philadelphia Flyers just lost their second game in the first round of the playoffs.  

9. Husband may not be very happy.

10. Just bought a piece of clothing to help with #6, but because of #2, here I am writing, instead of running.

And just in case you were wondering about #1, here's the dinosaur that has been sitting on my counter for the last 5 days.  Brady checks it with eager anticipation each morning, and every hour during the day.  Thanks Auntie Michele!  I just love looking at this thing when I'm eating my oatmeal!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Praying for the Thomas family.

Thank You for the Son

We've been able to celebrate this Easter weekend with wonderful warm temperatures - above freezing!

Here are just a few that Don captured when the boys were outside playing.

And this is when you know it's time to go inside!

I made another batch of paska - take a peek at my buns...aren't they cute?!  (Never thought I'd say that!!)  This is right before they went into the oven.

Having these turn out has inspired me to do more bread/bun baking.  The paska recipe barely fit in my KitchenAid, and it was sounding kinda weak as it worked on the dough, so I'm thinking a bigger workhorse is going to be on my Christmas list this year.  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How it all got started...

My love of paska, that is.

I remember, when I was younger, wanting paska throughout the year....not just at Easter.  My solution?  Sliced white bread.  Press a handful of raisins into the bread.  Make some white icing and spread it on the bread.  Finish it off with sprinkles, just like the real thing.

Not as good as the real thing, but when you're 10, it's basically just about the bread and icing.

The batch of paska I baked on Saturday was amazing!  The flavor was so incredible!!  The recipe includes the peel of and the juice of a lemon and an orange.  You must try it - it's not too late to bake up a batch for this weekend!!  I'm contemplating it, but that would just mean I'd end up eating more than my share!

On that note, I really should head out for a carb burning run.  But....it's late and it's dark.  I'm not a fan of night running anymore (I'm becoming a bit of a chicken in my old age).  So, maybe tomorrow.  Anyone with me?

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Easter Bread


Oster Brot

Whatever you call it, it's what I'm attempting today.  To bake it.  Not eat it (I'm already quite good at doing that).

I may or may not let you know how it turns out!  I've got a baby on my hip and a 3 year old that really wants to help.  This may get messy.  Very, very messy.

If you want a great recipe for Paska, or just some all around amazing recipes compiled by some very talented and sweet Mennonite chicks, check out their blog: Mennonite Girls Can Cook.  I've linked it to the Paska recipe.  This is one blog where you can use words like schmaunfat, schinken fleish and wareneki - and they will totally know what you're talking about!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

If at First You Don't Succeed...

Anyone who can get a good shot of their child on the first frame has a talent indeed!

Nate and I were in the sunroom playing.  I had my camera....I was trying to get a good shot of the Blue Jay that was hanging out in our pear tree.  

While I had the camera, I thought I'd take a quick pic of Nate.

There was nothing quick about it.

Next time, I'll take about 10 steps back and utilize the zoom!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bendy Snow, Fudge Puddles and the Promise of Spring

Strange, isn't it?  We noticed this outside on the frame of our screen room.

The next morning it was still there.  Things that make you go "huh"!

Brady was my official 'sprinkler'.  For the best recipe of Fudge Puddles, click here.

Just when we think spring might be around the corner, we get another dump of the white stuff.  These beautiful tulips from my mom keeps the hope of spring alive in me!

And just for some giggles, here's my little goof ball!