Sunday, December 7, 2008

Weekend Recap

We're back from a fabulous weekend in Winnipeg.  Here are a few of the highlights! 

Saturday was the Variety Children's Heart Centre Christmas party!  This was very new territory for us, we really didn't know what to expect.  It was held at the Children's Museum - we found out to be a very FUN place.  There were over 300 people there, as this was for all the heart patients and their families.

And it was fun!  The kids had a free for all reign over the entire museum, after a yummy pizza supper (all donated by local restaurants).  Then there was a visit from Santa, complete with presents for all the kids.

A really cool thing for me was to see families with several children - and not being able to tell which child was the heart patient.  This whole evening was a 'normal' party.  No waiting rooms, tests, exams, or questions.  Just special kids doing very normal party things!  A very welcome relief, I'm sure, for some families in the middle of very non-typical circumstances.  Another thing....whenever I'd make eye contact with another parent, we'd share a smile of understanding.  No words were ever needed  -  just a smile that communicated our love of our children and the certain journey that everyone in that building was on.

The evening ended with me having a conversation with someone I didn't know - but to him I looked familiar.  (What would an evening be with out playing the Mennonite game?!)  After trying to figure it all out, a very cool connection was made.  He is married to one of the Heart Clinic nurses, and she grew up in Winkler; her mom used to work for my dad; she knows my sisters (and had heard there was 'another'; and my dad said she even spent time at our house when she was really little while her parents were away on a trip!  Makes a world a little smaller, and the Clinic a little more 'homey' when you can make a connection like that!

We also had time to connect with some very dear friends this weekend.  I've been blessed with such awesome girlfriends!  We've known each other since grade school and have gone through a lot together - and even though we're separated by the 'great abyss' (ha ha) from Winkler to Winnipeg, every moment we do spend together is so precious!  Love ya girls!!  (And we've all had a baby within 6 months of each other - how cool is that?)

We had the best accommodations at the Hildebrand Hilton!!!  Thanks Bonnie and Kenton for your gracious hospitality.  It was so great to spend time with you!!

Here are some visual memories from the weekend!

Why is it that only Santa and I were able to look at the camera???  C'mon Don - work with the camera!!!

I'll take one ticket to Philadelphia.  Can I go via Mississauga?  I've got some cousins I'd like to see!

Next stop, Regina????   Oh dear!

1 comment:

kristin said...

Well you and Santa are looking good Carole! I'm so glad that we were able to spend the evening there with you guys and I wish I could havebeen there for the waffles on Sunday!